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Testimony _The late Duncan Campbell

Testimony - Marion Reece

Where has the Holy Spirit gone

Water Baptism



The vision, mission and ambition
As part of the desire to bring the Good News to every household in the Southern Isles there is a programme in place to knock on every door from Berneray to Barra with a gospel tract and to give people an opportunity to speak of their beliefs and seek the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian Campaign is not to ask people to change from being Catholics to Protestants or vice versa, but to proclaim the Truth of our need of Christ Jesus as Lord. The vision of the outreach is to bring the conditions of God's acceptance before us all and to encourage men, women and children to seek to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. For this to be a reality we feel that we are obliged to bring the Holy Scriptures and give them there proper place in our mission. In the scriptures we find God's Word and once we accept that this is truly God's Word then the foundation of our search is very clearly established.

How can you help?
Prayer is the great power which the Lord God Almighty gave to every believer and the power of prayer will change the Western Isles quicker and more effectively than any government of local authority policy. Please pray that the Western Isles and indeed that Scotland will once again turn to the Lord for help in this our days of trouble.
Many believe that our nations is in the beginnings of God's judgement. Our farmers and their stock have been hit with one problem after another. The number of unborn children killed (legally according to our laws) through abortion is greater than the number of people killed throughout the second world war. We have lost a sense of direction for our young people, many wandering in our society without hope as a result of drugs, drink and immoral living. Suicide amongst the young increases year after years and homosexuality which is the only sin God called an abomination in the scriptures is now an accepted practise through the laws of our land It is time to seek the Lord whilst He may be found. We can increased government funds for education, health or whatever but the real need in this nation is for the Lord God and His Word to be honoured once again.

What more?
If you have any question you may wish to ask or any matter you may wish to discuss please email us at isles4jesus@aol.com