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What you must know

You must know that God loves you. Not only does God love you but God likes you. Indeed He loves you so much that in order to bring His mercy to you He sent His Son Jesus to die in your place.

The Bible is the Word of God written throughout the ages to give mankind guidance for living but above all it is the book which directs us into a living relationship with God. The books of the bible are in many and varying forms, from poetry and wisdom to laws, history and prophecy but all in all it is a divine book with one major purpose and that is to reveal God to mankind in the essential facts of revealing his love and his conditions to acceptance.

The rule books of our sports and the highway code for driving must be adhered to in order that the systems they represent do not become chaotic. In like manner it was God's purpose that we adhere to His Word in order that the world which He created would be a blessing and not a curse. The fact is and continues to be that those who govern us neglect the authority of God's Word and therefore day after day we hear of catastrophes throughout the world. There are also many professing christians who take the bits they like and ignore what the do not want to apply to the lives.

Many have no relationship with God and therefore do not desire to read His Word. They protect there religious identity by saying "I'm a protestant or I'm a catholic" or "I go to such and such a church" I say "BIG DEAL" for the real question is do you have a real personal relationship with God? Going to church and being part of a denominational organisation does not make you a christian. Whether you are catholic, or protestant, or whatever, the big issue is not whether you have a religion, but whether you have a relationship with Christ. That relationship will be rooted and grounded on solid foundations. It will never be anchored on feelings or emotions. It will have as it's foundation the Word of God as written in the Old and the New Testament, what we call the Bible.

Lets look at some things it says
Romans 3:23 says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" It does not exclude anyone, it says ALL for all to read. That must include you and me. Sin is the problem and sin is what needs to be dealt with. Sin is not an individual error, or mistake we make, it is the nature with which we are born. It is therefore natural for us to sin. The reality is that we cannot help it. It is the nature of sin which makes us commit sins. In Romans 6 and 7 we find that Sin is the problem of man's nature and sins the product of that nature. That sin makes us ungodly (unacceptable to God) and we become slaves to sin (Romans 6:16) In other word we are controlled by it's power. Now in Romans 6:6 it says that Christ died for the ungodly - hallelujah. That means Christ has died for you and me. Why did Jesus die? He died because the penalty for sin was death (Romans 6:23) The origins of sin entered in to the characteristics of mankind through Adam's disobedience and that trait is in the blood-line right through to this generation. One man caused the problems of sin but another One came to bring about the way to be free from sin. Yes indeed Christ Jesus has come to bring freedom and the scriptures records those words. The Truth will set you free and you will be free indeed. Christ died for the ungodly. That means that the penalty of the ungodly - yes that's you and me- was paid for by Jesus. What do you have to do to receive the forgiveness for your sin? You have to accept it, believe that Jesus paid the penalty for it and apply it to your life. You see it is the application of the truth which set you free. For example if you have a bad burn you can go to the doctor and receive an ointment for it but it is the application of the ointment which brings the healing. In like manner it is the application of the Truth which will heal the broken relationship between a holy God and an ungodly people. The difference between believing and applying is huge. You can believe that the ointment we spoke off will bring healing but application of the ointment will be necessary before healing takes place.
In like manner we not only need to believe God's Word we require to apply it. Apply it means, we begin to conduct our affairs in a different way. Our lifestyle will change. We will begin to live Godly lives as a result of applying God's truth of His love, His mercy, His forgiveness and His acceptance. This will affect our lives and our relationship with others but above all it will affect our relationship with God, which will become a living relationship. That is our relationship with God will have life purpose and meaning for our lives. We have become accepted to God the Father because we have accepted Jesus Christ, God the Son. The Bible say we have been justified. That is we are now no longer ungodly for we have been accepted into His family. Because we have lived with the family "Ungodly" for so long there will be traits and characteristics which require to be put away or put right. It is the same as bringing a tramp into the palace of a king, his table manner may require to be corrected and so with us the Lord God begins a work of sanctification. This process of sanctification is the cleaning up of our life and lifestyle to conform to the ways of the Kingdom of God. It is a process and can be very quickly done or it may take a long time. It is generally accepted that it is according to our yeilding of old habits, old ways and forsaking sins in our life. He begins to teach us the ways of His Kingdom and this will only be possible as we give up the old ways we had previously been trained in and become accustomed to. It is a process of us yeilding and God pouring into us His characteristics for if we are now Godly and taken His Son's name it is important to God that we are seen to be of His family. Our life and lifestyle will be Jesus centred and as Paul says in Galatians 1:16 "To reveal his Son in me" it is God's desire that the lives of those who profess Christ as Saviour and Lord will be as a mirror image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is therefore important that you do not continue to be purely religious and have a form of godliness, it is important that you have a relationship with Jesus Christ who will save you from the "Ungodly" family and bring you into a relationship with God the Father.

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