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Why you must know it

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Testimony - Marion Reece

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Why you must know it

Why you must know it is an eternal matter. It is a continuation of where you are at. If you are part of the "Ungodly" family (that is if you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour) then you are in real danger according to the scriptures. John 3:18 say that there are two distinct kinds of people. Those who believe and those who do not believe. Those who believe are not condemned. Those who do not believe are condemned already. How can that be? Well as we said before those who do not believe are the "Ungodly" They, in reality, have rejected Christ as the deliverer from the Ungodly family prefering to remain part of that family and condemned. See all the family "Ungodly" are condemned. That is they are sitting on death row awaiting the penalty of death followed by the judgement of God and the punishment of the lake of fire which we call Hell. These things are according to the Holy Scriptures. The only hope they have is on this side of eternity and the only one they can place their hope in, is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is only person with the key to unlock the door of the prison cell where you await. Some will wait alone. Others will be in groups with their friends and other will even party whilst they wait. The vast majority of those people who belong to the "Ungodly" family have never known the great danger they are in. They do not realise the danger they are in
See, God has made a way for everyone to escape from death row but for many that way is not considered for they want to do things their own way. Either that or they are so busy that they have no time to consider there ways. God's Word through Isaiah the prophet says " For my thoughts are not your thoughts and neither are my ways, your ways, says the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8) Again in Proverbs 14:12 the Word of God says "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man,but the ends thereof are the ways of death. What way do you wish to go. According to the scriptures your ways will lead you to continue in condemnation to continue to live on death row whereas God's way will lead you to freedom. God's way was, is and forever will be - Jesus. The Bible says He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me"
When do you want to turn from the prison cell of condemnation before God. The bible say that today is the day of salvation. (The best day to be saved from death row) What must I do to be saved Acts 16:31 says "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved - and thy house"
In easy steps your ways to freedom are 1. Recognise Christ Jesus as the only way to receive forgiveness and mercy for your sin. 2.Recognise that you are a sinner needing His mercy and forgiveness. 3.Turn to Him in sorrowful heartfelt repentance and confess your sin. 4.Come to that place where you accept that your sin has been forgiven and that you are cleansed from your sin and iniquities and that according to the Word of God you have become accepted in the Lord Jesus Christ before a holy God. Throughout your life and throughout eternity this will be your only means of acceptance, through Jesus Christ. You will never be accepted for your own righteousness or through your own abilities or capabilities but you will be accept because ofwho Jesus Christ is before God and who Jesus Christ is to you The bible teaches that by grace (God Riches At Christ's Expense) are you saved through faith (faith is believing what you do not have connection with through your natural senses) The bible continues and teaches that this salvation is not of yourself, but that it is a gift from God, Not of works least any man should boast (Read Ephesians 2:8-9) You must now read your bible and pray to your Father in heaven for now you have access through Jesus Christ the only mediator between God and men (See 1 Timothy 2:5) Now find yourself a church which teaches those simple gospel truths and remember that where you see a giant oak tree, somewhere, sometime, a little acorn was once planted. You now require to stay planted and dig deep into God's Word and take root in His kingdom.




