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Outreach Report

The isles4Jesus christian outreach is the product of what was in the hearts of many Christians for many years. It was to bring the gospel to the people without any alternative agenda and as there was no visible market place to preach in the open air and no recognised gathering place of the people it was believed to be right for the doors of every home in the southern isles (to begin with) to be visited with the simple message of the gospel. This was written quoting as many scriptures as possible to bring the reality of God's Word back into the homes of the island people. There is no time limit on the project, but we are in a hurry. The greatest desire in the hearts of those participating is to present the gospel of mercy and forgiveness to whosoever repents and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour. The Gospel continues to challenge despite the fact that we are living in the year of the Lord 2001 We had a good reception overall although there were those who did make things difficult but who said that the Christian life would ever be easy. It is our desire to spend time with people and speak to them rather than maildrop a leaflet through their door. The outreach has served to have had a gospel message delivered to many homes. Those involved in the outreach have been privileged to have been invited into homes to pray with people and for people and it is good news that the hearts of so many in the islands is still soft towards the message of the gospel. The greatest blessing however is this - God has been with us and you can on occasion feel His presence so near. After a day's outreach and when we get back and compare notes we feel an overwhelming sense of the Lord directing the whole thing. There are times when tears well up in our eyes to know that the God of heaven cares for the people of these islands and it is not conditional to them attending church or being religious. The Almighty God has an unconditional love but a conditional Salvation which His word declares is found in no other than the Lord Jesus Christ.

  Can you help? The answer is simple and the answer is yes indeed. 1. You can support us in prayer. 2. You can come alongside us and encourage us. 3.You can make yourself available to be physically active and come visiting with us. Being part of isles4jesus will bless you out of your boots.
What equipment will you need?
You need to have a personal testimony which declares that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour. You must have a love and compassion for people and desire deep in your heart to see them come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.
90 per cent of the people in the islands never attend church. Someone needs to tell them that God loves them. You could help. It is not our policy to enter into arguments, or ram the gospel down people's throats. We do not set out to offend anyone but if the gospel message will offend some, then we cannot be responsible for that,(God's Word says it will) but we must be responsible for presenting the Word of God for the Scriptures call us to go out into the world and share the gospel.

  At the end of 2001 what has been achieved At the end of 2001 we have to take stock of what has been achieved and to know as to whether the hand of God has been over the work. We have seen many people received the simple message of the gospel and contacts have been made throughout the islands. In the last few month we have seen souls saved and not only professing salvation through Christ but fired up to take up the call of the Great Commission and to go tell others. This is encouraging in difficult times and the opportunity to pray for and into situation has greatly increased. God is on the move.

Respect for the power of prayer is being restored to homes and families and at nine o'clock every evening there is time set aside to pray This has brought folk from various denominations to be involved in the cry to the Lord to do a great work in our islands.
It has always been the case that when the enemy raises up a Goliath God raised up a David. With alcohol problem and so many broken homes and so much immorality invading our islands it is good to know that God is raising up men and women of prayer for such a time as this.