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Water Baptism

Water baptism by total immersion for believers
There are two sacraments presented in the New Testament for a believing church. The first is baptism and the other is participating at the Lord's table. This is also called taking Communion These two active obligations are to be believed and obeyed. They are not teachings set aside for subjects for a debating society within church circles. They are clear commandments of the Holy Scriptures.

This month we consider the baptism issue. It is clear that the New Testament fails to support the unscriptural continuation of the baptism of an infants and neither does it support an argument for the baptism of an non-believer. In the last paragraph of Mark's gospel which is an accepted part of the Christian bible, the writer say that he that believes and is baptised shall be saved. Peter on that momentous day of Pentecost was asked by the people what they were required to do and he answered "Repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ...." (Acts 2:38)

Jesus was baptised in the River Jordon and the scriptures teach that He went up straightways out of the water. Regarding the Ethiopian treasurer in Acts 8 it again speaks of coming up out of the water. These people were baptised by total immersion. They were totally buried in the water and came up out of the water. Indeed the word Baptismo means to dip or saturate by immersion. It was what happened to a cloth when it was dyed another colour.

There was a condition upon the Ethiopian and that condition was that he had to believe with all his heart.

The picture of baptism and it's symbolic significance is that it paints for the believer a picture of death and resurrection. Dying to the old life and beginning a new life which identifies itself with the life of Christ Jesus the Lord. When a person comes to Jesus Christ for salvation there is something that should be done and that is to lay down to death the old nature and take upon oneself a new nature which is that of the Master. The life of this new nature must be governed by the Holy Spirit. In that buriel into the water we identify with the death and buriel of Jesus and the rising from the watery grave speaks of rising anew, a new person with a new life and a new desire which is to live for Christ and the cause of the Gospel. When we read Romans chapter 6 this is what is explained.

Baptism is an open profession of faith and one should never have it carried out in a place hidden from his or her friends or neighbours. It is a witness of the gospel within the community that the power of Christ to save is an ongoing power and the obedience to the call of the commands of the gospel are being met in subjection to the authority of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Believe and be baptised is a commandment of the scriptures and if you are a believer you should be baptised by total immersion. If you not a believer than it is time to become one. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for He alone can save your soul.

If you are a believer and you want to obey the Holy Scriptures and would wish for more advise please contact Benbecula Christian Fellowship at 01870602047

A young lady obeying the Scriptures at Balivanich Benbecula