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Testimony - Marion Reece

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Marion Reece - From Religion to Relationship

My Plans
Most testimonies that you would hear or read tell of the hardship and searching of the person concerned. I was not searching for anything as I believed I already had everything required for eternal life. I was of the understanding that I was a Christian and needed nothing more of God. I was invited to attend some Christian Meetings with friends from Benbecula who were going to Inverness. These friends were Christians but for me in those days they were "over the top" Christians. Jesus was their whole life, their whole conversation, but I decided to go as there was an opportunity to go to Marks and Spencer for a bit of shopping and I could cope with this bunch of "over the top" Christians for one weekend. How different God's plans are from ours. On Sunday morning we joined the Inverness Christian Fellowship for worship and I was astounded that the meeting went on for some two hours. I was engrossed by the whole thing. It was something new and something exciting which I was tasting and the worship and the preaching was drawing me and making me thirsty for more of God.

Something New was about to happen. The morning meeting was followed by lunch which was followed by more praise and worship. This was something the like of which I had never experienced before. I had never experienced such love for Jesus and such love amongst His people. The Presence and the Power of the Lord broke into the meeting. His touch brought me to the realisation of my need of a relationship with Him. He wanted to touch our lives, confess our need of Him and turn our lives, hopes and ambitions to be centred on Him and Him alone.

Marion is a Personel Officer with QinetiQ at the Military Range in the Hebrides. She is pictured below with her granddaughter Bethan. Marion is married to Ken who also works for QinetiQ and is also a professing Christian

Days of Tears
There were many tears that day. There were tears of repentance, tears to accept His love, tears of joy, brokenness and restoration like the potter taking the clay and moulding it into a new shape. My life took a different route and it was not always easy. Sacrifices had to be made but I learned in those moments of trusting God that there is nothing impossible or too difficult for my Saviour.

I had received a miracle by being born again by the Spirit of God but this was only the beginning of a exciting journey which continues to this very day.

As I continued with the Lord I learned of His mercy, His care and His love for me, spirit soul and body. In my body I had tremendous pain in my back for which I had been attending a chiropractor for some time. This gave me reasonable ease but I was unable to put on my shoes unaided or if I lay on my back I would be unable to get up again. The bible gives report that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and I learned that the Lord Jesus was able to touch lives and bring healing and wholeness. Without giving any honour to any situation or any man, but that all the glory may belong to the Lord, I can confess that my back was marvellously healed and that for many many years now, I have not known the pain which was having such a detrimental effect on my life. The Lord Jesus Christ was the Lord that healed me and for that I give Him all the praise and glory.

Our life on earth will always be life with its troubles one moment and it's joy the next, but there is a place that I know which does not change and that is in the precious arms of Jesus. Only on Him and Him alone can I truly rely day after day. My life has been transformed and I have purpose and reason to go on. I found that purpose and reason on that day when I surrendered my plans, my ambitions, my life over to the Lordship of the one I love most; the Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures say "taste and see that the Lord is good" I can testify to the goodness of having a relationship with Jesus and to recall that once I was satisfied with mere religion. Looking back to that day when God broke into my life I can only say that it has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Now to many others I am "over the top" but there can be no other way when you really know Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord